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About Canyon Leads and Canyon Instigators

Release of Liability


Remember this DISCLAIMER: All canyon leads, workshops leads, and canyon instigators are NOT COMMERCIAL GUIDES OR INSTRUCTORS!

All  activities are run as a group of friends that get together to have fun and learn from each other with no fees involved. 

These vertical sessions are no substitute for PROFESSIONAL TRAINING. 

Keep in mind...



What are Canyon Instigators

Canyon Instigators are participants who accompany groups descending Ouray area canyons. The canyon instigator has the responsibility to provide familiarity with the approach, descent, and egress from the canyon.

They are an augment to other sources of canyon bata.  Canyon Instigators are not leads, guides, or gurus. 

Trip logistics must be worked out via email communication and verified at the social meetings before each trip. Groups should be limited to 6 canyoneers plus the Instigator.

What are Canyon Leads

All canyon leads are "experienced" Class C canyoneers, see their bio's below.  Please remember they are volunteers acting in a non professional capacity.  They are sharing their personal accumulated experience with the group.  These volunteers may not have any certifications, rescue training or rescue experience.  The canyon leads will use their experience to facilitate the canyon trip but the lead may have no specific special training and there is no guide-client, instructor-client, or teacher-student relationship stated or implied.  All canyon trips at the festival are groups of like minded canyoneers.  These leads are just "experienced" equal members of the like minded group

What are Workshop Leads

All workshop leads are volunteers with experience in the topic they are discussing, see their bio's below.  Please remember they are volunteers acting in a non professional capacity.  They are sharing their personal accumulated experience with the group.  These volunteers may not have any certifications, rescue training or rescue experience. Efforts are made to assure that any information being presented is accurate and safe, but you have the final responsibility for your own safety and we recommend that you pursue training with established, experienced instructors before engaging in new skills!

Meet our volunteers!

Ruth Stewart
Canyon Instigator
Canyon Lead

Workshop Lead

AJ Pastula
Canyon Instigator
Canyon Lead

Workshop Lead

Ruth is a Ouray Canyoneer through and through. This is where she learned to canyon and it's largely the only place she has been. But because of that she has some pretty good familiarity with the local conditions and canyons. She is also a paramedic and a member of the Ouray Mountain Rescue Team and often runs workshops on related topics.

AJ has over 600 canyon descents, mostly in the U.S. but also in some international destinations.  He has planned and led many trips, and has opened a number of canyons, including some in the Grand Canyon and even Ouray.


Eric Prinster
Canyon Instigator

Canyon Lead

Workshop Lead


Canyon Instigator


Riley Drake
Canyon Instigator


Canyon Instigator


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